Gloria Kardong, MD, DLFAPA, DABPN is a Board Certified Psychiatrist who has been in full time private practice in Palo Alto, CA for over 35 years, Licensed in 10 states. She is an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University Medical Center and a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.
Dr. Kardong offers Forensic Psychiatric litigation support services in civil and criminal cases to attorneys for Plaintiff and Defense. Her services include General Psychiatric Issues, Women's OB/GYN Issues, and Trauma/PTSD. Dr. Kardong has served as a Psychiatric Consultant and Expert Witness for Stanford University Schools of Law and Medicine, the California Medical Board, and private attorneys nationwide.
Areas of Expertise:
Forensic Psychiatry, General Psychiatry, women's health care, OB-GYN related psychiatric issues, eg postpartum depression, sexual abuse, sexual, physical and psychological trauma, PTSD, adoption. Personal injury. Medical malpractice. Discrimination. Psychological autopsy. Medical case review. Trial consultant.
Women's Health Care Specialist - Psychiatry / OB-GYN Interface:
- Pregnancy-Related Psychiatric Problems
- Psychiatric Medications in Pregnancy and Postpartum
- Postpartum Depression / Psychosis
- Infertility
- Gynecologic Oncology
| - Menopause Hormonal Issues
- Childhood Sexual / Other Abuse
- Adult Consequences of abuse
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sexual Assault
Impaired Professionals:
- Physicians
- Mental Health Providers
- Attorneys
- Executives / Professionals
- Organizations
Consultation Services for Businesses and Organizations:
- Standard of Care
- Hospital and Medical Ethics
- Healthcare Practices and Records
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Disabilities
| - Human Factors
- Human Resources
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Psychological Consequences of
- Workplace Injuries
- Wrongful Termination
- Product Liability
- Executive Coaching
View Dr. Kardong's Consulting Profile.