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6/18/2015· Security

Patient Abuse & Rape: Daycare - Skilled Nursing - Long Term Care Facilities

By: Michael Panish

Rape and patient abuse are more prevalent and common place in daycare and long term skilled nursing facilities than anyone would think possible.


10/6/2011· Security

Security Law: Private Police = Para-Police?

By: Dr. James F. Pastor

In the past several years many in the security industry have advocated increasing professional standards. The hallmark criteria of professionalism usually relate to training, wages, recruitment standards, and accountability.


9/26/2011· Security

Schools Behind Bars? Designing Safe and Secure Environments for Schools and Colleges Doesn't Mean They Need to Look Like Detention Facilities

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

Creating safe schools is the responsibility of the entire community where a school or school system resides.


7/20/2011· Security

Fast Food, Easy Money:Find Out How Sites Hit By Smash and Grab Burglaries Could Have Reduced Their Vulnerability

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

BETWEEN LATE 2009 AND MARCH OF THIS YEAR, a national baked goods chain with franchises in Broward County, Florida, experienced a series of nighttime burglaries that resulted in thousands of dollars in stolen cash and damaged property.


7/11/2011· Security

Security And Legal Protection: The Seattle Video Example

By: James F. Pastor

This article addresses the security and legal issues relative to the Seattle video depicting the beating of a girl while security personnel stood around.


5/31/2011· Security

Designing Safer Schools: Environmental Design Makes The Grade

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

When it comes to the issue of safety in schools, it is important to remember that long before the students walk the halls, a design team creates the building and its grounds, envisioning the subsequent relationships with its occupants.


5/12/2011· Terrorism - Homeland Security

Terrorism: Indicators & Implications

By: James F. Pastor

In order to effectively deal with the threat of terrorism, it is important to understand the concept. Terrorism has been around for centuries, dating back to Roman times.


3/15/2011· Security

Fear Of Parking

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

Last June, 18-year-old Kelsey Smith was forcibly abducted from the public parking lot of an Overland Park, Kansas, Target store.


2/11/2011· Security

Missile Defense In The News - U.S. Homeland Missile Defense

By: Riki Ellison

The number one priority for ballistic missile defense as stated and outlined clearly by President Barack Obama is the defense of the United States homeland.


2/10/2011· Premises Liability

Crime & Premises Liability: Assessments & Defenses

By: James F. Pastor

When considering how to limit crimes by third parties, or at least limit the liability exposure from such, there are three basic approaches: pre-incident assessments, post-incident investigations, and legal defenses.

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Law for the Expert Witness

by Daniel A. Bronstein

Criminal Law, Procedure, and Evidence

by Walter P. Signorelli, JD broker Movie Ad

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