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4/2/2001 12:00:00 AM Launches Members Section

On April 1, 2001, launched its Members Section, which can be accessed by Members using their ID and PASSWORD. The Members section provides access to a variety of services and information free of charge. These services include the ability to change Member profile, subscription, and payment preferences, and to review statistics like the number of times the listing has been viewed and matched to queries, the words used to search for the listing, the number of times the Expert Categories have been accessed, and the number of times the listing has been actually viewed for any reasons. Additional services will be launched from time to time. will soon be launching Premium Listing options, which will entitle the Member to utilize a variety of integrated web-based applications and customized services in addition to all the other free services.

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Dr. J.P
Dr. J.P Purswell, PhD, PE, CPE

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Diana Price

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