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RICO Civil and Criminal Consultants: 1
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Security Consultant Michael Levine
Michael Levine
Expert & Law Enforcement Consultant
PO Box 533
Stone Ridge NY
phone: 845-430-3930
fax: 845-687-4916

Michael Levine – Security and Investigative Consultant, D/B/A SENTAC INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATIONS. Network of Ten-Percenters - There is an old saying in Federal Law Enforcement: “Ten percent of the investigators are responsible for ninety percent of the cases.” Mike Levine is one of the most decorated supervisory agents in the history of the Drug Enforcement Administration. He has 45 years of courtroom and field experience (civil and criminal) as a Trial Consultant, Expert witness, and Investigative / Security Consultant. A Police Training Consultant,
Mr. Levine specializes in Undercover Survival and Informant Handling Tactics and Procedures, saving lives and providing indemnity to law suits. Mr. Levine has direct and immediate access to a hand-picked network of investigators comprised of men and women who have proven themselves with long experience as creative, hard driving and successful experts in each of their fields, and like himself are each much awarded veterans of law enforcement.
Services Offered:
- Complicated Investigations in Support of Litigation (intra and international)
- Personal Security Assessments and Counseling (all areas)
- Plant and Operational Security Assessments and Counseling (all areas)
- Sensitive Position Background Investigations and Counseling
- Investigative and Research Support Extensively Backed by a Continually Updated Database of Information that Relates to Each Area Expertise
- Media & Technical Consulting
Background Experience - Michael Levine's law enforcement career encompasses 25 years service with DEA, Customs, BATF & IRS Criminal Investigations Division. His supervisory experience includes being in command of task force units combining officers of FBI, BATF, IRS, Customs, NYPD and other local police agencies. During Mr. Levine's Department of Justice service, he served as an OPR (Office of Professional Responsibility) Inspector during which time he was trained in the reliable methods of investigative file review in affixing management responsibility for operational failures, tactics which he has continued to use in the analysis of cases and the testimony related thereto.
Mr. Levine has extensive experience working executive protection details for both the Secret Service and Department of Justice and is a graduate of the Secret Service Executive Protection Training Program. He also served as a Security Consultant and Operational Advisor for a major internet pharmaceutical company.
Michael Levine is currently lecturing on Undercover Tactics and Informant Handling for the US State Department in Brazil. His widely published articles and books include the New York Times and national best-sellers Deep Cover, The Big White Lie, and Fight Back, the community anti-drug plan recommended by the Clinton Administration Drug Policy Office, BLIND MULES-FICTION OR FACT?, and The Weakest Link, a paper based on Michael Levine’s presentation before the Defense Intelligence College, Southern Command, analyzing the devastating effect of unqualified management in law enforcement and military on public safety.
While still serving as a DEA supervisory agent in 1988, Mr. Levine was the subject of A Random House/Times Books biography, Undercover, by Donald Goddard Mr. Levine has been a consultant and on-air expert for in excess of one hundred radio and television shows, including 60 Minutes, CNN, Crier Report, MSNBC, CBS News & Morning Show, ABC’s Nightline, Crossfire, Macneil Lehrer News Hour, and CBS. He also appeared on The History Channel’s "20th Century", Geraldo, Eye on America, Like It Is (Gil Noble), Dick Cavett, Inside Edition (Bill O’Reilly), Sony Pictures, Spelling Productions, Contrapunto (Spanish language version of Crossfire) and more. Mr. Levine is also the host of New York City’s “The Expert Witness Radio Show,” featuring interviews with top international law enforcement and legal experts covering all the areas of Mr. Levine’s expertise.
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