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7/22/2023· Construction

Design Phase Risk Mitigation Tools And Methods

By: Long International

The design phases of chemical processing plant and other industrial projects contain many potential risks. This is especially true when the project is for the first-of-a-kind deployment of new technology or when the performing organization has not previously successfully completed a similar project.


6/20/2023· Medical Records Review

Plaintiff Support - Insurance Carrier Seeks Restitution For Fraudulent Bills Related To Transmucosal Instant Release Fentanyl Products

By: Joel L. Kent, MD

Asked to provide expert witness support for a health-care insurance carrier who was seeking restitution for fraudulent invoices that were paid for the provision of a transmucosal instant release fentanyl (TIRF) products. The plaintiff alleged that the pharmaceutical manufacturer was perpetrating a criminal conspiracy resulting in undue payments. 


5/11/2023· Transportation

Leaving Money on the Table, Part 1: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Service And Brokers

By: Ned Einstein

This installment explains how the two major forms of wheelchair transportation were fragmented by oversight failures in the Johnson Administration. Not only did this fragmentation evolve into extraordinary levels of corruption, but the consolidation of these two types of programs was rarely, if ever, effected.


5/11/2023· Telecommunication

Sharp - Not Weak Or Late Enforcement Is Required Against Recalcitrant SEP Implementers

By: Keith Mallinson

Public comments on SEPs and FRAND licensing sought for the US Department of Justice’s Draft Policy Statement and the UK Intellectual Property Office’s Call for Views. 


5/11/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Retail Company Successfully Integrates Change Management Into Its ERP Implementation

By: Panorama Consulting Group

A large global retailer in the process of implementing SAP software wanted customized, on-site training for the company's internal resources. The company needed to implement inventory management modules while executing training and communications, but it had a lack of organizational change management experience.


3/31/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Engineering Firm Finds ERP System That Helps Standardize Global Operation

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Providing engineering, architecture, construction, and consulting solutions to the global life sciences and advanced technology industries, this firm had recently undergone an internal reorganization of its business units and operations. Each region was following its own processes, and multiple systems were being used. This led to duplicate and inconsistent data.


3/30/2023· Construction

Construction Management Agency (CMa): Facts Not Fiction

By: Sanford C. Loy

A Construction Management agency (CMa) will administer these bonds for you to make sure they are written by viable and solvent bond companies who are on the government treasury list for approved bond companies.


2/20/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Professional Services Firm Develops Strategic Plan For IT Initiative And Process Improvement

By: Panorama Consulting Group

This multi-billion dollar professional services company was using various, disparate software applications across its worldwide operations. Many of its core business processes were not utilized globally, and dual/triple entry was demonstrated at various sites and in various functional areas.


2/19/2023· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

Life Care Planning For Post-Traumatic Epilepsy

By: Stokes & Associates

Post-traumatic seizures can result from secondary effects of head trauma, including cerebral edema, intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral contusion or laceration, alterations in the blood-brain barrier, or other neurochemical changes.


2/17/2023· Failure Analysis

Design Defect Failure Analysis of Water Shut Off Valve

By: Dr. Thomas Read

When this type of valve is open a rubber seal around the valve stem prevents leaking. In this case, the poly acetate stem deteriorated due to the presence of hot chlorinated water This allowed water to leak out. Over time the leak rate increased.

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