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8/27/2024· Product Liability

Product Liability and Personal Injury Involving Hair Coloring and Scalp Burns

By: Meyer R. Rosen

Product liability refers to the legal responsibility of manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others involved in the production and sale of products to ensure that such products are safe for consumers. When a product causes harm or injury due to a formulation defect, consumers may have the right to seek compensation through a product liability/personal injury lawsuit


3/13/2020· Product Liability

Approaching Product Liability as an Expert Witness

By: Meyer R. Rosen

The successful attorney-chemical expert “dyad” is, in my opinion, critically dependent on creating a trusting, workable, two-way communication. The expert must be able to educate the attorney in the complexities of the subject case, so that the attorney is comfortable in mediation or court procedures.


10/9/2012· Chemical Industry

Intelligent Delivery Systems for Enhancing the Performance of Active Ingredients in Skin Care Formulations

By: Meyer R. Rosen

The skin is a miraculous organ and the cosmetic & personal care industry continues to make improvements on how to maintain the health and beauty of this organ, the largest in the body. Much of the radiant youthful glow on the skin is often achieved through the delivery of advanced, active skin care products.


9/12/2012· Chemical Industry

Improving Cosmetic Formulation Quality Through Innovative Processing Technology: Preparation of MicroDroplet/Particle Master Batches through Innovative Compounding Techniques

By: Meyer R. Rosen

The intimate, uniform and lump-free mixing of a formulation containing two or more fluid components, one being lipophilic and the other hydrophilic, with or without the addition of powdered solids, to form a stable emulsion is a complex process.

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