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10/22/2008· Electrical - Electrocution

Outside Right-of-Way Tree Risk Along Electrical Transmission Lines

By: Siegfried Guggenmoos

Abstract - For power transmission systems compliant with safety codes and reliability standards there remains a risk of tree-caused interruptions from the in-fall of trees from outside the right-of-way. This paper reports on the quantification of tree exposure outside National Grid’s transmission corridors and examines the variables impacting the risk of a line contact by trees


8/21/2013· Transportation

Overcoming Ambiguity with Exaggeration

By: Ned Einstein

As NBT readers of my past columns well know, my perspective on accidents and their causation is pretty skewed because I spend most of my professional time examining their details.


1/23/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Overhead Door Injuries - Commercial, Industrial, Residential

By: Michael Panish

As the retained expert witness on many overhead door injury and wrongful death cases, some of the injuries I have seen include injured or severed fingers and limbs, bodily trauma, and death. Disabling injuries often lead to involved lawsuits due to the combination of jobsite and employer, landlord and tenant contractual agreements, and property owner liability insurance coverage. Knowing who is responsible for maintenance and inspections of these doorways is essential.


8/6/2010· Medical Malpractice

Overview: The Process Of A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

By: Devesh Tiwary, MD, JD, FACS

Each lawsuit is different, and each state has different laws. In general, this is the process in Florida. Your case may proceed differently. We can break it down into 4 stages: investigation, pre-suit, suit, and post-verdict. The process takes months to years. Mediation (meeting with the other side to try to settle) can occur during any of the 3 later stages. It is very important, so we will discuss it here too.


9/21/2011· Animals

Owning A Horse Is A Huge Financial Investment: Get A Pre-Purchase Exam!

By: Bridget Brandon

You've decided to buy a horse and you have now located the horse of your dreams. There are a lot of emotions involved.


8/20/2007· Product Liability

Packaging and Product Liability

By: Sterling Anthony

A more appropriate term would be packaged product liability, because a packaged product consists of product + package, and either component (or both) can incur allegations of negligence, strict liability, and failure to warn


10/21/2015· Crisis Management

Panic In Fires

By: Dr. Luiz Hargreaves

Some articles have been written over the years about panic in disasters and fires. The idea that panic rarely occurs in disasters has been readily accepted. When disasters happen, usually, people act in such a way to show solidarity with the other victims. It is common to see some degree of organization in order to assist searches and reconstruction work.


2/28/2024· Psychiatry

Paranoid Personality Traits In A Panic Disorder Population: A Pilot Study

By: Dr. James Reich

To better understand the relationship between panic disorder and paranoid personality, panic disorder patients (N = 28) who were referred to an anxiety disorder clinic in a community mental health center were evaluated for paranoid personality traits on a standardized personality self-report instrument.


5/17/2021· Child Welfare

Parental Alienation: Child Abuse? --- Reportable?

By: Robert A. Evans, PhD

Those of us who have been working within the field of Parental Alienation recognize that Parental Alienation is in fact a form of abuse. So, doesn’t it logically follow if the professional field recognizes Parental Alienation as child abuse then, by definition, it should be reportable to child protection and law enforcement organizations?


7/11/2021· Psychology

Parental Alienation: Judge’s Dilemma - A Worldwide Concern

By: Robert A. Evans, PhD

With greater frequency, family law cases are showing up in which children are rejecting a parent. While there may be some situations where a child may be hesitant to be with a parent, these high conflict family law cases typically include outright rejection and severe expressions of hatred for a parent without genuine justifications.

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