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12/4/2013· Banking

Mortgage Securitization and Foreclosures

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

In and during the period 2000 through approximately mid 2008, for many of the nation's "subprime" households to receive loans and for many major financial institutions to loan out available funds at high rates, create "new" mortgage products, sell these newly created products downstream to investors (both institutional and individual investors) at a significant profit, investments banks and commercial banks created an unusual national scenario – subprime mortgages that were packaged and sold into mortgage backed securities


8/5/2020· Transportation

Motorcoach Survival In The Age Of COVID-19 (Part 2)

By: Ned Einstein

Hopes, dreams, truth, lies, prayers and politics aside, one of the burning industry questions is: How do we get on the road again? In Part 1 of this series, I outlined a number of important roles motorcoaches could and should have played immediately when the outbreak began. Performance of these roles would have helped the country cope with the virus. It would have helped the industry, its businesses and its drivers survive it. It would have negated the related interruption in production, marketing, sales and maintenance of vehicles in support of this continuity.


4/23/2013· Aquatics Safety

Mouth-To-Mask Rescue Breathing and Comparisons of Personal Resuscitation Masks

By: Gerald Dworkin

Because of the major health concerns today, there is a major reluctance among emergency service personnel to perform direct mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing on an unknown victim.


4/18/2010· Digital Forensics

Moving Toward A Science Of Digital Forensic Evidence Examination

By: Dr. Frederick B. Cohen

Like almost every scientific endeavor, the examination of digital forensic evidence (DFE) started out somewhere between an art and a craft. People with special skills and knowledge leverage that skill set and knowledge base to put forth notions about the meaning of DFE in the context of legal matters. While the court system greatly appreciates science and its role through expert testimony in providing probative information, that appreciation is substantially challenged by the lack of a scientific base, in the form of adequate peer reviewed publications associated with professional societies,


2/15/2012· Police Practices & Procedures

Murder or Stress-Induced Hypervigilance? Officer Johannes Mehserle and the Infamous "BART Shooting"

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

On November 5, 2010, Superior Court Judge Hon. Robert Perry sentenced former BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle to two years in state prison for the January 1,2009, accidental shooting death of 22-year-old Oscar Grant at the Fruitdale BART station.


5/18/2018· Business Management

My Life as a Microsoft Dynamics Expert Witness

By: Eric Kimberling

I have been involved with Microsoft Dynamics implementations for nearly 20 years now. I have also spent the last decade providing Microsoft Dynamics expert witness testimony in implementation failures and lawsuits.


7/23/2019· Medical - Medicine

Myasthenia Gravis Disorder: Diagnosis, Crisis, and Treatment 0verview

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

Myasthenic crisis is a rapidly progressive and potentially fatal condition. Early consideration and bedside confirmatory tests are essential. Have a low threshold to establish a definitive airway using higher than typical doses of paralytic medications. Involve the consultant early and be extra vigilant when caring for anyone with a history of myasthenia gravis


11/1/2012· Intellectual Property

Naked Licensing: Not as Rare as One May Think

By: Antonio R. Sarabia II

In the last 10 years, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has decided two cases involving naked licensing: Barcamerica International v. Tyfield Importers (9th Cir. 2002) 289 F.3d 589, and Freecyclesunnyvale v. The Freecycle Network (9th Cir. 2010) 626 F.3d 509.


8/22/2012· Transportation

Negligent Retention and Driver Impunity

By: Ned Einstein

One would think in the Age of Irreversible and Growing Unemployment, employers could phase out their "dead wood" and find some personnel capable of performing their functions competently. Regrettably, bus agencies and companies are generally not among those which do.


1/12/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Nevada Irrigation District Replaces Aging ERP System With Technology Providing Robust Reporting Capabilities

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The district contracted Panorama to help in the replacement of its existing systems with a proven, commercial-off-the-shelf ERP system. The client undertook this initiative to replace aging systems, gain efficiencies and update existing processes. Another goal was to improve the timeliness, accuracy, safeguarding and consistency of information

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