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3/3/2010· Biokinetics

Case Example: Bus Pedestrian Accident

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

A city bus struck a canopy providing shade at a construction site; one of the tent support poles hit a crossing guard allegedly injuring her back. Did the canopy support pole cause an acute back injury?


8/20/2010· Biokinetics

Case Example: Wrist Injury

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

A Cadillac sedan was hit from behind by a Pontiac sedan. The driver of the Cadillac testified that the Pontiac was traveling 60 to 65 mph at impact. He alleged that at the time of the collision his left elbow was bent...


2/21/2011· Computers

Case Scenario: Business Software Patent Litigation

By: Brooks Hilliard

A distributor of products used in the health care industry invented a system and filed patents describing the system and associated methods.


4/7/2011· Computers

Case Scenario: Failed Insurance Agency Software Implementation

By: Brooks Hilliard

An property and casualty insurance agency acting as a managing general agent for several insurance lines sold through sub-agents throughout the United States had agreed to license a comprehensive agency management system from a developer of such software specifically developed for managing general agencies.


2/2/2011· Computers

Case Scenario: Failed Wholesale Distribution ERP System

By: Brooks Hilliard

A regional wholesale distributor of construction products was sold a manufacturing ERP system that the software developer and implementer claimed was capable of meeting its distribution needs.

Clinton-Ford-Construction Defect-Expert-Photo.jpg

12/29/2010· Construction

Case Study: Building Department "Drops The Ball"

By: Clinton J. Ford

Through a referral from an Architect, a school teacher called Clinton J. Ford P.A. with questions concerning the construction of their new two-story home.


3/20/2024· Engineering

Case Study: Building Façade And Interior Maintenance Access Program

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

Buildings today offer unique architectural statements and designs with sophisticated and intricate envelopes creating a challenge for safely and efficiently accessing these structures for interior and exterior maintenance purposes. Choosing the right combination of access systems are critical in ensuring worker safety and asset preservation.

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12/29/2010· Construction

Case Study: Certificate Of Occupancy Rescinded

By: Clinton J. Ford

A local Mortgage Company referred an Attorney to one of their clients because they were having construction problems. Their clients did not want the final disbursements made until these issues were resolved.


4/5/2013· Engineering

Case Study: Coke Oven Battery Analysis

By: Bill O'Donnell

A comprehensive engineering analysis was performed on a coke oven battery roof and heating walls. Coke oven batteries are constructed with refractory bricks.


10/25/2023· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Case Study: Expert Witness - Fall Incident

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

The aftereffects of a fall incident have enormous impact on all parties involved. Setting aside emotion and focusing on the actual events leading up to an incident can be particularly difficult when faced with the competing interests of injured personnel or their families, companies, insurers, and lawyers.

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