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11/4/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Door Panic Hardware: Getting to Know the Basics

By: Michael Panish

Injuries resulting from panic hardware are more prevalent than you might think. Injuries can be due to lack of maintenance on these devices and/or installation of spurious parts or components.


4/7/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Automatic Door Service Providers How to Limit your Liability

By: Michael Panish

If you run an active automatic door service company it is not a matter of IF you will be sued . . . it is a matter of WHEN ! What every door service provider can do to proactively protect their business.


3/19/2015· Construction

Contractor Fraud : Don't Become a Victim Home Renovation Projects - CONTRACTOR FRAUD SERIES (Part 1)

By: Michael Panish

As a Construction Expert Witness, I have been involved in numerous homeowner vs. contractor lawsuits that turned out to be directly created by contractor fraud. In this article, I have combined a few different actual cases, highlighting the various tactics used by dishonest contractors to bait and then hook the homeowner. In all of these cases, the homeowner prevailed.


8/22/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Garage Doors: A Brief Tutorial on Garage Door Safety & Installation

By: Michael Panish

As a door expert, I am called upon many times a year to evaluate garage door injuries. In my professional career as a general contractor and door & hardware contractor, I have installed many different types of garage doors. I have been involved with roll up doors, both for commercial warehouse applications and automotive repair facilities that allow the passage of a motor vehicle. I have installed and serviced life safety/fire drop doors typically seen in hospitals, pharmacies, labs, shopping centers and other commercial venues. I have placed sectional doors in apartment buildings, single family homes and condominiums. My company has custom built many types of garage enclosures that have had special cosmetic concealed purposes for themed attractions. Working on historic buildings has given me the opportunity to work on sliding barn type doors, hinged parting doors and old carriage style swinging doors. I have removed and replaced the older style, overhead vintage single panel pivoting hinged garage door from commercial and residential locations, and have installed a variety of newer and safer products.


2/26/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Automatic Door Injuries: High & Low Energy Automatic Doors

By: Michael Panish

Automatic doors are generally grouped into two major categories. Low energy and high energy doors. The difference between the two types of doors pertain to the ways that the doorways operate.


8/31/2015· Construction

Cabinetry & Millwork: Defective Design or Defective Workmanship? Who is Responsible?

By: Michael Panish

My job as a cabinetry and millwork expert witness is to inspect and evaluate casework, cabinetry, or millwork that may have either failed or may be deficient in some way. Many of the past cases where I have been designated as the cabinetry and millwork expert witness have involved analyzing products that no longer exist because they have either been replaced or destroyed. What is available for review is often in the form of architectural elevations (renderings), photographs of the damaged cabinetry, or shop drawings and samples of the materials that were used. Generally, there is a question as to what entity is responsible for the monetary loss sustained. The usual course of action by attorneys is to sue all parties in the chain of events, from design through installation.


10/13/2015· Construction

Plastic Laminated Products: Fabrication & Installation Problems

By: Michael Panish

This article will discuss plastic laminated products only. Although many other laminated materials are used for residential and commercial applications, plastic laminates are one of the most common products involved in casework claims and personal injuries.


2/14/2011· Insurance

Agents Beware: Due Diligence Is Now Required

By: Michael Sapourn

Transactions between retail agents and brokers they place business through just became more labor intensive.


4/10/2007· Professional Skills

Managing To Have Fun

By: Mike Kerr

Business author Paul Hawken said it best, "We lead by being human. We do not lead by being corporate, by being professional or by being institutional." Perhaps that’s why many leaders are embracing one of the most undervalued human resources they have at their disposal - their sense of humor


1/27/2017· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Authenticity of Questioned Signature on Life Insurance After Brain Surgery

By: Mike Wakshull

The decedent signed a life insurance beneficiary form a few weeks after having brain surgery. The plaintiff claimed the signature was not executed by the decedent. The defense claimed that the decedent had signed the document and the differences are attributed to the effects of brain surgery.

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