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11/29/2018· Telecommunication

Analyst Angle: US and China Lead While Regulation and Competition Policy Impede Europe in 5G

By: Keith Mallinson

US, China, Japan and Korea are seizing global leadership in 5G with support of coherent and helpful industrial policies in those nations across the entire mobile ecosystem including technology development, spectrum licensing, site acquisition and operator consolidation. All these nations will launch 3GPP standard-compliant 5G services in 1Q 2019, except for the US, that might start sooner, and Japan, where the first launches are expected before yearend 2019. The first 5G smartphones will probably be sold to consumers to be sold to consumers in 2Q 2019.


2/20/2018· Telecommunication

Analyst Angle: Innovation in the 5G communications platform and the IoT

By: Keith Mallinson

At a conference entitled Patents in Telecoms & the Internet of Things, at George Washington University in the District of Columbia last week, I was perturbed to hear a speaker mischaracterizing the communications standards as platforms of preexisting technologies upon which IoT innovation will occur. Major research and development investments are being made in communications technologies and standards to satisfy the anticipated demands of 5G and IoT. In fact, these investments, with significant innovations resulting already, are largely a leap of faith in advance of hoped-for IoT applications development and proof of demand for these.


5/24/2018· Telecommunication

Analyst Angle: Complementary Spectrum Allocations and Technologies Maximize Coverage and Capacity for All

By: Keith Mallinson

Radio spectrum is the lifeblood of wireless networks. Traditional methods of doling out spectrum have somewhat hindered rather than helped maximize the availability of affordable Internet access, even if this was not the case with voice and text. Instead of seeking to aggrandize auction proceeds by creating scarcity, more flexible allocations including shared as well as traditional licensed and unlicensed assignments are required.


5/4/2018· Patents

Putting Economists in Their Place in Patents in Telecoms and the Internet of Things

By: Keith Mallinson

I participated as a panelist in a session entitled, "Economists: Do They Have a Place?," at the Patents in Telecoms and the Internet of Things conference at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. on November 10, 2017. This article is substantially my remarks in that conference panel session. Before my remarks, Stephen Haber of Stanford University said that I had posed the defining question for the entire conference in an audience question-and-answer exchange the previous day. It had perturbed me to hear a panel speaker mischaracterize the communications standards as platforms of preexisting technologies upon which Internet of Things (IoT) innovation will occur. In response, I said that communications standards are rich in technology innovation and patented intellectual property.


1/24/2018· Telecommunication

Analyst Angle: How to Provide Gigabit LTE Cheaply When You Don't Have the Spectrum?

By: Keith Mallinson

Consumers are only beginning to use LTE in unlicensed spectrum. So far chatter has mostly been about operator trials, commercial chipsets and sales of devices to seed the market before anyone is to be able to use the new service feature. Nevertheless, the commercial impact will be quite dramatic within a few years.


1/24/2019· Telecommunication

Maintaining Cellular Growth Until Large-scale 5G IoT Adoption in the Mid 2020s

By: Keith Mallinson

The notion of "peak smartphone" is widely discussed of late, including by the Economist. Revenues are flattening with longer replacement cycles, saturating markets, resistance to Apple's price increases, decreasing prices among Android's fiercely competitive OEMs and allegedly diminishing technical improvements in successive new device models. 5G holds massive growth potential, but much of that is in industrial and IoT markets that will take at least several years to establish themselves and grow to levels that will have substantial impact on overall device and service revenues.


4/10/2018· Telecommunication

Where is 5G Communications Technology IP Coming From?

By: Keith Mallinson

As I explained in IP Finance last week, following President Trump's blocking of Broadcom's hostile bid to acquire Qualcomm, by remaining independent the cellular technology leader will be able to maintain its long-term commitment to high levels of R&D investment (at 23 percent of sales recently), most significantly including that in 5G communications standard-essential IP.


10/12/2009· Psychology

Psychologically Speaking©: Negotiation 101

By: Kenneth J. Manges, PhD, ABVE, CVE, CFP

Advice about negotiation often focuses on procedure, strategy, and tactics. However, some of the most important factors in dispute resolution are the subliminal aspects of the interaction that operate outside the awareness of the participants, which may create unnecessary barriers to the effective resolution in dispute.


5/22/2006· Injury

Types of Knee Injuries & How They Occur

By: Kenneth Solomon, PhD, PE, et al

The purpose of this article is to distinguish the mechanism of knee injury (e.g., forward fall while foot is trapped, impact of knee on dashboard, chronic injury due to repetitive twisting, etc.) from the type of injury (e.g., torn meniscus, ruptured ACL, bursitis, etc


8/20/2010· Biokinetics

Case Example: Wrist Injury

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

A Cadillac sedan was hit from behind by a Pontiac sedan. The driver of the Cadillac testified that the Pontiac was traveling 60 to 65 mph at impact. He alleged that at the time of the collision his left elbow was bent...

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