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10/30/2006· Medical - Medicine

Calibration And Electrical Safety Status Of Therapeutic Ultrasound Utilized By Chiropractic Physicians

By: Dwain M. Daniel, DC, Ronald L. Rupert, MS, DC

Background: Although over 70% of chiropractic physicians utilize ultrasonic therapy (UST), there has never been an investigation of the calibration or electrical safety of this commonly used therapeutic modality within the chiropractic profession


4/16/2007· Corrosion

An Introduction To Corrosion

By: Earl Pye, PhD, PE

Suppose that you lose your pen. As a result you cannot write because you do not have a writing instrument that functions. That simple device, your pen, has a miraculous effect on your ability to perform. It is in this connection that we want to discuss the science and technology of corrosion


6/29/2012· Taxation

Tax & Estate Planning: The Benefits of a Family Limited Partnership

By: ECS Financial

Years ago, a family limited partnership (FLP) was little more than a clever loophole used almost exclusively by wealthy persons. But the FLP's mystique has diminished in recent years, making it a popular and effective estate-planning tool for many.


8/20/2015· Insurance

Experience Modifiers: A Flawed Benchmark For Safety

By: Edward Priz, CPCU, APA

A growing trend for many businesses has been for their customers and prospects to use their experience modification factor as a safety benchmark, requiring a modifier of 1.00 or 1.05 for those bidding on projects. A higher modifier can disqualify a firm from bidding on many projects, particularly governmental projects.


11/11/2015· Insurance

Workers Comp Shock Audits: 5 Common Causes

By: Edward Priz, CPCU, APA

Employers generally realize that the initial premium they pay for Workers Compensation insurance isn't the final premium for that coverage-Workers Comp is normally subject to an audit after the policy ends, to adjust premium charges based on actual payroll amounts. When the policy starts, after all, payroll amounts can only be estimated for the coming year. So it's routine for employers of any size to undergo a Workers Compensation premium audit, and to receive an audit statement that often seeks some additional premium.


7/10/2015· Insurance

An Unregulated Workers Compensation Insurance Market Poses Problems

By: Edward Priz, CPCU, APA

Recently, a former Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance wrote an Op-Ed piece, decrying recently proposed legislation that would require insurers to file changes in Workers Compensation insurance rates with regulators before using those rates with insurers. The proposed legislation would also allow the Department of Insurance to disapprove rates if it was determined they were excessive.


4/3/2020· Insurance

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Workers Compensation Insurance

By: Edward Priz, CPCU, APA

One question being asked is whether COVID-19 infections could be the basis for Workers Compensation claims by workers who feel they likely contracted the virus through work. At the moment, the best answer appears to be that’s unlikely for many workers, possible for some, and subject to change depending on future actions by state legislatures.


4/17/2013· Discovery & Electronic Discovery

An Introduction to the eDiscovery Process

By: Envista Forensics

E-Discovery is the process of collecting and exchanging electronically stored information (ESI) that is requested during the discovery phase in civil litigation.


5/15/2013· Electrical - Electrocution

Identifying the Source of a Power Surge

By: Envista Forensics

Is it possible to differentiate between lightning related surges and artificially generated electrical surges?


3/14/2013· Corrosion

Preventative Restoration: Preserving your Options

By: Envista Forensics - Andrew Spetter

An ominous cloud of smoke continues to billow as the sprinklers rain water throughout the facility. The production manager's mechanical and electrical equipment is rapidly deteriorating, and within hours, the previously pristine equipment normally used to manufacture precision circuit boards will have a thin coating of flash rust with further damage forthcoming.

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