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3/10/2015· Education & Schools

Urban School Myth Busted by Micro-Experiment: Do Teens Really Hate Healthy Foods?

By: Dr. Virginia Rhodes

OK, I did learn enough in 35 years of high school teaching, administration, and marriage to know one thing: The way to anyone's heart is through their stomach! Feed them, and they will come.


5/18/2015· Education & Schools

Using De Facto Learning Theory To Understand Urban School Mobility

By: Dr. Virginia Rhodes

"All children can learn," is a catchphrase currently making the rounds in education circles, particularly in staff development activities (Pankratz & Petroski, 2003). De facto learning theory challenges the underlying assumptions of this phrase by examining how it is that learning in schools takes place. Using theoretical foundations of Dewey, Maslow, and Vygotsky, this essay will explore the fact that all children are, in fact, learning all the time, regardless of the actions of teachers, the content of the curriculum, or educational policy and practice.


8/22/2014· Medical - Medicine

Why Are Education, Training, Regulation, Safe Practice, and Practitioner Supervision So Important for Laser Surgery and Procedures?

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

During the past ten to fifteen years, the number of cosmetic laser and light procedures performed has exploded. According to a 2012 report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the following increases have occurred:


2/5/2015· Medical - Medicine

Leveling the Laser Playing Field: The Time is Now to Establish Objective Training Protocols

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

Lawsuits pertaining to injuries from laser treatments gone awry or just not as expected are on the rise. Part of the issue is the lack of objective training protocols. There is relatively vague legal language across many state medical boards and often lax regulation of these procedures, who is allowed to perform them, and what training and supervision is required.


12/29/2014· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

So, You Want to Get Started with Lasers? - Pearls On How to Incorporate Them Into Your Practice

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

One of the most common questions that other physicians ask me is how to begin to use lasers in their practice. It can seem exciting, yet daunting, to bring in a new procedure that centers on a device.


11/24/2014· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

"Facial Revolumizing" Using Dermal Fillers: Tips for Incorporating Hyaluronic Acid Fillers in a Cosmetic Laser Practice

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

With the current boom in noninvasive and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, many practitioners are learning to use dermal fillers. Novice practitioners will commonly focus more on the lines or "simple-appearing" problem areas in which the patient desires improvement. This common mistake can lead to a lessthan- desirable result and unhappy patient if the "problem" isn't properly addressed.


10/14/2014· Medical - Medicine

Injectable Wisdom: Technique, Not Necessarily Product Variety, Key to Outcome Success

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

"For the physician to grow a cosmetic injectable practice, both a variety of products as well as a mastery of technique are key ingredients in the recipe for success. If one had to choose between variety and technique, I believe that it is the technique that will ultimately provide desired results and thus create many happy return visits from patients. Repeat business is the goal.


12/28/2015· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Laser Surgery Cases Resulting in Litigation

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

Although I have been called to evaluate many cosmetic laser and Cosmetic injection cases over the years (both plaintiff and defense), two particular cases really stand out. One was a plaintiff case and the second was a defense case.


5/6/2015· Psychology

Developmentally Disabled Adult Wrongful Death: PICA Disorder and Choking

By: Dr. William A. Lybarger

I have been providing expert witness services for several years. My practice, for the most part, has involved personal injury and wrongful death matters in health and human service agencies. More specifically, my work frequently requires a Standard of Care opinion related to the level of care provided by a service organization to a person with a developmental disability and/or mental retardation. As a part of this practice I have worked several cases involving an eating disorder referred to as PICA.


1/16/2009· Engineering

Anti-Scale Valves

By: Dr.-Ing. Dirk A. Lindenbeck

In various industries there are valve applications where the standard valves used do not function satisfactorily. When scale is formed on the moving elements of ball valves or gate valves the consequence is either blocking of the valve movement or damage to the valve seats and consequent leaking through the valves

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