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Aviation Expert Pete Burgess
R.P. Pete Burgess
12533 Avondale Ridge Drive
Fort Worth TX
phone: 817-236-3144
fax: 817-236-3563

Richard "Pete" Burgess provides service as an Aviaton Consultant for air traffic services, procedures, pilot experience and aircraft accident investigations. Mr. Burgess has been the Owner of Burgess Aviation Consultants since 1994 and specializes in the analysis of FAA Air Traffic Control service and the application of procedures in the following areas:
- Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC's)
- Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCT's)
- Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON's)
- Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSS's)
- Detailed Transcript Preparation of Air Traffic Recordings
Mr. Burgess is an Instrument-Rated Commercial Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor for Multi/Single Engine airplane. He has over 4000 hours of flight time.
5/94- Present Burgess Aviation Consultants begins the twenty-fifth year specializing in the review and analysis of air traffic procedures in Air Route Traffic Control Centers, Contract Control Towers, Airport Traffic Control Towers, Terminal Radar Approach Control’s and Automated Flight Service Stations. Have provided services as an Aviation consultant in over 276 different cases during the past twenty-four years. I have been deposed in 82 cases and testified in 34 trials
1972 to 1994 Air Traffic Control Supervisory and Management - FAA
- Managed and supervised the National evaluations of over 160 FAA air traffic ARTCC's, ATCT's, TRACON's and AFSS's facilities in Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama
- Qualified on all positions of operation and actively controlled traffic as supervisor and manager at El Paso and Little Rock ATC Tower and radar approach control facilities
- Served as consultant and expert witness in trials involving aircraft accidents and enforcement actions in St. Louis, Kansas City and Little Rock
- Investigated the application and effectiveness of air traffic control procedures at Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles and Kansas City Airports, as a result of major accidents at those airports
- 1957 to 1972 Air Traffic Controller - FAA & U.S. Navy
- Air Traffic Terminal Controller at NAS Saufley Field, Pensacola, FL and NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in the U.S. Navy, and Santa Fe, NM in the FAA
- Flight Service Specialist in El Paso, TX. Santa Fe, NM and Lubbock, TX
- Air Traffic Tower and Radar Approach Controller in Lubbock, TX and San Antonio, TX
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