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Hypertension Consultants: 2
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Internal Medicine Consultant Gerald Smetana
Gerald Smetana, MD
Professor of Medicine
Shapiro 623
330 Brookline Ave.
Boston MA
phone: 617-667-2115
fax: 617-667-9620
Cardiovascular Heart Disease Consultant James Strader
Dr. James Strader, MD, CPE, HF-Cert, FACC
10 Cap Rock Way
Colorado Springs CO
phone: 719-323-5124
Featured resources
Handbook of Carcinogen Testing (2nd Ed.)
by Harry A. Milman, PhD, Elizabeth K. Weisburger
Brain Storms! Out of a Torrential...
by Shawn Regan, Eleanor S. Field, PhD
C Programming: Memory & Pointers...
by Shahid H. Bokhari, PhD