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12/12/2004· Medical - Medicine

A Patient's Bill Of Rights

By: Martin Bell, MD, JD

The tragic events of 9/11 have diverted attention from the public debate in Washington about a national patients' bill of rights. The idea behind such legislation is that patients should have the right to sue their HMO or managed care insurer for money damages if their coverage is wrongfully denied, treatment is delayed or withheld, and their health is seriously damaged as a result


11/12/2004· Computer Forensics

The Evolving Legal Landscape of Electronic Discovery

By: SETEC Investigations

It is estimated that over 90% of all documents are now created electronically, although most of them are never printed; therefore, legal professionals are being challenged by a drastic increase in electronic evidence

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The Injured Victim's Handbook

by Guy O. Kornblum

Prisoners of Ritual: An Odyssey into...

by Hanny Lightfoot-Klein broker Movie Ad

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