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5/20/2016· Accident Prevention & Safety

"Work Related Vehicle Accidents - The Overlooked Hazard At Work."

By: Greg Gerganoff

Use fall protection; Use trench boxes when excavating; Lock out Tag Out any time repair or maintenance of equipment involving stored energy is performed; Slips, Trips and Falls are one of the most expensive types of injury. For my sixteen years in safety these safety hazards were always in the forefront of safety concerns for businesses and safety professionals. Guess what? Work related road way crashes is the number one serious/fatal injury cause for U.S. workers. OSHA recognizes this. CDC/NIOSH has generated a white paper studying this fact. Who knew? So here is some info on this number one safety hazard in the US work place.


11/12/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

Waiting for a Transformation

By: Thomas Barth

As I see it, there needs to be some changes made in the crane industry. So much rides on updated federal regulations, featuring multi-lateral programs that are created and set in place by a network of people with little or no field experience (yet they are considered to be either "experts or professionals").


10/27/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

Forensic Clues: Ladder Accidents Part 1 - Stepladders

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Ladder accidents occur frequently, often with very serious consequences. Ladders are tools that people use repeatedly, at home and on the job. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) states that there are more than 164,000 emergency room-treated injuries annually due to ladders in the United States.


9/18/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

A Commitment to Accident Prevention

By: Thomas Barth

Wherever your construction site happens to be, health and safety should be the first priority. OSHA regulations, of course, are a useful guideline to help ensure a safe work environment, but they are just that-guidelines.


9/15/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

Dust Explosions and Prevention

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

A study by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) of important dust explosions in the U.S. from 1900 to 1956 found 1123 explosions. The type of material involved in the explosions ranged from wood, food and feed, plastics, coal, metals, paper, and chemicals. These explosions resulted in a total of 676 fatalities. The most frequent explosions consisted of food particle explosions. These accounted for over 50% of the total explosions. Wood dust explosions were also frequent, accounting for 14.5% of the total explosions.


11/4/2014· Accident Prevention & Safety

Forensic Clues: Paintball Accidents

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Paintball is a fun activity for all ages, and can be a safe sport if proper precautions are made. Serious eye injury can occur if a paintball impacts the eyeball, making goggles and facemask a requisite part of paintball. Accidents happen in backyard paintball games most frequently, but also at commercial paintball operations. This Clues will examine the typical preventable paintball accidents, as well as examine product failures that can lead to accidents while playing paintball.


2/13/2014· Accident Prevention & Safety

Air Bag Deployment Criteria

By: Dr. Kenneth Solomon

Air bag control modules utilize complex algorithms to make air bag deployment decisions based on crash severity related to the change in vehicle speed or deceleration over time. Due to the proprietary nature of air bag deployment algorithms, the velocity, acceleration, or displacement thresholds for air bag deployment during a collision are not easily obtained; however, a range of frontal barrier impact speeds and corresponding deceleration and displacement threshold values for air bag deployment can be approximated using known vehicle stiffness-to-weight ratios.


2/28/2013· Accident Prevention & Safety

Forensic Clues: Golf Carts

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Golf cart accident frequency has increased dramatically over the last 20 years. A study by Watson, Mehan, Smith, and McKenzie (Golf Cart-Related Injuries in the U.S., American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 2008) of NEISS data found 147,696 people were treated in emergency rooms for golf cart accidents between 1990 and 2006.


8/20/2010· Biokinetics

Case Example: Wrist Injury

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

A Cadillac sedan was hit from behind by a Pontiac sedan. The driver of the Cadillac testified that the Pontiac was traveling 60 to 65 mph at impact. He alleged that at the time of the collision his left elbow was bent...


7/31/2010· Fires & Explosions

Have We Sparked Our Last Home Fire?

By: Gene Haynes

Every year there are thousands of home fires all across the nation due to faulty household electrical wiring. There are an annual average of 110 electrical fires a day as a result of frayed wires, loose electrical connections, broken extension cords, faulty switches and outlets and other common sources.

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