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9/19/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Product Supply Company Finds Comprehensive ERP To Replace Its Legacy System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

While the company had little technological communication either internally or with its sister firm, the company was growing by leaps and bounds. It needed to modernize its technology and improve its business processes to continue providing outstanding customer service while meeting increased sales demand.


9/4/2022· Telecommunication

Long Live The Revolution In 5G: With SA, 5G-A5dvanced, 6G, Virtualizatio4n, O-RAN And Competition Among Industry Standard Computer Hardware Platforms

By: Keith Malinson

Change will be huge but gradual over the next decade. With 5G yet to make its mark beyond eMBB, a second wave of growth including widespread implementation of IoT using 5G SA, and with mMTC and eURLLC including enterprise deployments, will have major impact commencing around 2025.


9/4/2022· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

What Is A Life Care Plan? Breaking Down The Definition, Part 1

By: Stokes & Associates

According to the International Academy of Life Care Planners, a life care plan is “a dynamic document based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research, which provides an organized, concise plan for current and future needs with associated costs for individuals who have experienced catastrophic injury or have chronic health care needs


8/16/2022· Legal Issues

Press Freedoms During Times Of Emergency: An Examination Of South Africa And The United States

By: William (Ned) McLeod, Esq

In this paper we will examine how the growing crisis in South Africa transformed various laws and government policies that affected the press, both directly and indirectly. We will briefly trace the history of government regulation of the press in South Africa, and review the press-related laws imposed by the Afrikaner government since its rise to power in 1948.


8/12/2022· Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Board Member Removal: A Dilemma For The National Endowment For Democracy

By: Jess Birken, Esq

Working with nonprofit organizations, I deal with a LOT of people problems. And it makes sense, right? When you ask a group of people passionate about a cause (aka, the board of directors) to come together to make collective decisions…disagreements and confrontations are inevitable.


8/11/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Consumer Services Company Replaces Custom Software With Modern ERP System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

This consumer services company in Denver was using custom software developed in an AS/400 environment. Many of its core business processes were either manual or paper-based, and the company was struggling with the issue of sole dependency on a single employee who understood the legacy systems.


7/20/2022· Medical Malpractice

Hernia Mesh Complications Expert Witness: Challenges And Potential Issues In Hernia Mesh Litigation

By: Dr. Kent Sasse

Mesh is used to support the tissues in most hernia repairs in the U.S. This practice stems from research showing that without reinforcement material, hernias tend to recur frequently over the long term when the repairs are performed using suture repairs alone. Surgical mesh, made from polypropylene


7/20/2022· Insurance Coverage Analysis

Serving As A Testifying Expert Witness In A Breach Of Contract / Bad Faith Case On Behalf of a Plaintiff

By: Prof. William J. Warfel

The purpose of this teaching case study is (1) to present an illustrative first-party legal case in which the author was retained as a testifying expert witness by a plaintiff attorney, and reference how it can be used in the classroom to illustrate important IRM concepts in an introductory, undergraduate, IRM course, and (2) encourage


7/5/2022· Construction

Assessment Of Problems Associated With Poor Project Management Performance

By: Long International

The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation of the methodology and resources that Long International uses to arrive at its opinions on allocation of the responsibility for various problems, and the impact of those opinions on the parties’ entitlement to damages or extensions of the time of performance allowed under a Contract.


6/21/2022· Psychiatry

The Structural Interview Method For Diagnosing Borderline Disorders: A Critique

By: Dr. James Reich

The authors discuss difficulties in the assumptions that underlie Kernberg's Structural Interview method for diagnosing borderline personality organization and demonstrate methodological limitations in the studies that have reported results from its use.

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