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10/21/2015· Crisis Management

Panic In Fires

By: Dr. Luiz Hargreaves

Some articles have been written over the years about panic in disasters and fires. The idea that panic rarely occurs in disasters has been readily accepted. When disasters happen, usually, people act in such a way to show solidarity with the other victims. It is common to see some degree of organization in order to assist searches and reconstruction work.


6/19/2009· Warnings & Labels

Samples of Effective Product Warnings

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: In the last issue of this newsletter, I listed the major components found in most warnings along with making several suggestions that should help improve a warning’s conspicuousness and make it more likely to gain the attention of the product’s user at the time of use. The following is an example of a warning that


3/14/2016· Engineering

Reflecting on Engineering Practice

By: Richard Beaubien

When I was a boy, playing in the sandbox or building with blocks, I dreamed of building cities. I feel fortunate to be in a profession which allows me to fulfill that dream. To enjoy your job is a more important measure of success than the amount of money in your bank account. My favorite definition of success is borrowed from Ann Landers:


4/28/2022· Nonprofit Organizations

Feeding Our Future Nonprofit Defrauds Government

By: Jess Birken, Esq

Feeding Our Future (FOF) was a Minnesota food assistance nonprofit that was awarded millions in federal grant funds in the past few years. FOF passed those funds through to other small organizations and businesses to provide food to children, primarily BIPOC and immigrant children in the Twin Cities and beyond.


8/7/2006· Business Management

Dealing with Difficult People

By: Dorothy Pederson

The business of service is an interesting one to say the least. The subtle path to success lies in knowing ourselves. You might ask what I mean. What I am saying is that it is only in gaining understanding into our own feelings, reactions, and habits that we master the real art of relationship. It is always all about us


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

CFD Simulation of Airflow in a 17-Generation Digital Reference Model of the Human Bronchial Tree

By: Dr. Richard Collins

The uptake of particulate matter by inhalation leads to complex transport processes influenced by unsteady convection through a non-dichotomously branching network of conducting conduits (airways)


8/22/2013· Aquatics Safety

Emergency Procedures During Thunder & Lightning Storms

By: Gerald Dworkin

In 1996, a tragic accident occurred on a soccer field at Northeast Park in the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District in Illinois. After a short rain delay in the game, the skies started clearing and a referee decided to resume play.


8/30/2017· Audio Forensics

Forensic Sound Analyses of Cellular Telephone Recordings

By: Dr. Durand R. Begault

Recordings involving cellular telephones or personal digital assistants (“PDAs”) are increasingly the source evidence in audio forensic examinations, compared to recordings originating with other devices such as hand-held digital recorders. On modern PDA cellular telephones recordings can be made either directly to the telephone or transmitted as voice mail messages. The current investigation focuses on differences in the two types of recordings in terms of dynamic range and linearity of levels. Such information can be important for characterizing the distance of sound sources relative to the microphone and are important for understanding transformation of recorded speech and non-speech sounds.


11/23/2016· Plants & Trees

Different Types of Tree Care Professionals

By: Christian Plunkett

There are many terms in use describing different types of tree care professionals and this can cause considerable confusion for a homeowner or property manager who requires a tree care provider. The information below will hopefully provide some clarity on the topic.


12/14/2017· Economics

Why Law Firms Need Internal Controls

By: Michael Garibaldi, CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

Most lawyers know how big a problem occupational fraud is in corporate America. They may even count as clients companies that have been defrauded and suffered significant losses. Yet a "not at my firm" attitude persists among many partners who take for granted the honesty and integrity of their colleagues and staff.

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