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1/9/2013· Intellectual Property

Marked Recovery

By: Antonio R. Sarabia II

EIGHT YEARS AGO Congress decided that the existing means for awarding damages for trademark infringement were not deterring this illegal practice and decided to supplement these measures with statutory damages-a specific range that a court could award even in the absence of proof of a plaintiff's losses or the defendant's profits.


1/8/2013· Radiology

Planning Dosimetry Near Vascular Ports

By: Michael Gossman

New research shows the effects of electron beams on implanted vascular access ports composed of plastic, determining how they impair the fluence of radiation around them.


1/3/2013· Medical - Medicine

The Impact of Involuntary Weight Loss on Wound Healing

By: Dr. Jeffrey Stone

A wound patient plan of care is not complete without assessing the need for nutritional support. Wound repair, provided ot os not hindered by systemic or local factors that delay healing, takes place pn a continuum-all cellular events in the wound repair process follow a predictable course and order.


12/27/2012· Engineering

Forensic Clues: Is This a Valid Defective Product Case?

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Knowing when a personal injury case is due to the action or inaction of another party, or when responsibility falls fully on the injured party, can be a difficult distinction to make. At Mechanical and Safety Engineering, we have been investigating personal injury cases for decades.


12/20/2012· Transportation

Transportation Accidents: Operators, Lawyers, and Underwriters

By: Ned Einstein

This title makes me think immediately of funerals. This is not what this installment is about, although problems in the office and on the road often translate into funerals for operating companies, not just their accident victims.


12/17/2012· Construction

The Importance and Value of "Notice" Provisions in Construction Contracts

By: Long International

Most construction contracts, whether they are standard or customized forms, usually contain specific provisions related expressly to the process of giving "notice." The notice generally refers to an obligation on the part of the Contractor to notify the relevant party administering the contract, normally the architect, resident engineer, or owner's representative, of a claim or change event that gives rise to possible additional entitlement for time and/or cost.


12/14/2012· Pharmaceuticals

Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers: An Update

By: Dr. Esam Z. Dajani, PhD, FACG

During the last twenty-five years, a remarkable revolution in the pathophysiology and treatment of gastric (GU) and duodenal (DU) ulcers has occurred. Effective therapies were developed not only to heal ulcers but also to cure most patients.


12/12/2012· Warnings & Labels

"Warning: Don't Supersize Me," Says NYC

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

New York City has done it again! Mayor Bloomberg (or as some call him, NYC's Nanny-In-Chief) and his City Health Department has declared war on oversized restaurant portions.


11/28/2012· Child Witch Phenomenon

Witchcraft Accusations: A Protection Concern for UNHCR and the Wider Humanitarian Community?

By: Gary Foxcroft

Stepping Stones Nigeria is a grassroots, child rights NGO that works with partner organizations in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria to protect, save and transform the lives of vulnerable children.


11/26/2012· Damages

Lost Profits Damages to New Businesses: Adjusting for Survival

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Survival risk of new businesses is a challenging issue to incorporate into lost profits analyses used in litigation, an issue some financial experts and courts ignore rather than consider explicitly. This paper considers several ways to make qualitative and quantitative adjustments for the survival rates of new businesses.

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