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2/1/2003· Automotive - Vehicular

Developing An Effective Maintenance Program

By: Ronald G. Bredemeyer

Have you ever stopped to consider that maintenance is war? Your enemies are breakdown and deterioration; your soldiers are the maintenance supervisors and technicians; and the people you are protecting are the workers and customers of your organization


12/21/2002· Insurance Coverage Analysis

To Rescind Or Not To Rescind?

By: Akos Swierkiewicz, CPCU

An insurer may rescind its policy in the event of material misrepresentation or concealment of a fact by the insured. Misrepresentation is false statement of a fact by the insured


11/15/2002· Hydrology

Allocating Responsibility For Groundwater Remediation Costs

By: Daniel B. Stephens, et al

One of the challenges facing environmental attorneys and their clients is the development of an equitable allocation of responsibility for cleanup costs associated with groundwater contamination from several potentially responsible parties. This article provides a survey of several scientific approaches for the allocation of such responsibility


11/15/2002· Professional Skills

Power Up Your Image - Strike A Profile For Profit

By: Sherry Maysonave

Are you earning the income that you desire to earn or believe that you are capable of earning? Do you want to win raises and promotions? If so, it is essential that you pay attention to your workplace image. In today's dressed-down business environment, millions are suffering from the Casual Confusion Syndrome


9/1/2002· Feng Shui

September 11: A Feng Shui Perspective

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

What can help us to comprehend disaster and loss of such magnitude? We can try to put it in terms of astrology, currently circulating: Numerology on the World Trade Center


8/25/2002· Police Practices & Procedures

Law Enforcement Experts - The Underused Defense Weapon

By: Michael Levine

During my 25-year career in Law Enforcement, working for four Federal law enforcement agencies - IRS Intelligence, BATF, Customs and DEA - I never lost a prosecution case. Here's the "secret" to my success


7/4/2002· Aquatics Safety

Immersion Into Cold Water

By: Dr. Alan Steinman

Immersion in cold water is a hazard for anyone who participates in recreational, commercial or military activities in the oceans, lakes, and streams of all but the tropical regions of the world. Recreational aquatic activities include swimming, fishing, sailing, power-boating, ocean kayaking, white-water rafting, canoeing, ocean-surfing, wind-surfing, water-skiing, diving, hunting and the use of personal water craft


7/4/2002· Business Management

Implementing Radical Change: The Right Stuff

By: Richard G. Ligus, CMC

Over the years U.S. manufacturing companies lost substantial market share in many industries. Stiff foreign and domestic competition drove executives to seek solutions. MRP had its heyday, then JIT, CIM, TQM, and time-based competition


3/12/2002· Public Speaking

Speak And Grow Rich

By: Dottie Walters

Do you have an area of special expertise? How would you like to make big money talking about it?... Lots of money? Professional speakers can earn over $800,000 per year! In this exciting book which is considered the "Bible of the Professional Speaking Industry", world class speaker, Dottie Walters will give you money-making information on


6/21/2001· Crisis Management

Crisis Management Teams: Who Needs Them?

By: Peter G. Power

Experience has shown that when suddenly faced with a catastrophe, crisis managers have a tendency, from the outset, to try and follow familiar or routine systems. The more disturbing the situation the stronger the urge to take refuge in familiar procedures

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