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4/15/2014· Medical - Medicine

The Role of the Small AO External Fixator in Supracondylar Rotational Femoral Osteotomies

By: Dr. John Handelsman

Torsional problems of the femur have been traditionally treated by a proximal osteotomy with internal fixation. We elected to perform femoral derotational osteotomies distally. Between September 1994 and April 2001, supracondylar osteotomies were performed on 38 femora in 21 children with torsional and angular deformities. The average age was 9 years (range 5-15 years). Twenty-three femora had excessive anteversion and fifteen, retroversion. All osteotomies were maintained by the small AO external fixator.


2/6/2014· Medical - Medicine

Supramalleolar Wedge Osteotomy: a Method of Correcting Fixed Equinus and Associated Deformities in Children

By: Dr. John Handelsman

Patients with fixed equinus and associated angular and rotational deformities, who have had multiple previous surgeries, present a significant challenge to the orthopaedic surgeon. We chose to correct these deformities with supramalleolar extension wedge osteotomies in 21 feet in 13 patients between 1991 and 2002. The median age at presentation was 11 years (range: 2-17 years). An average correction of 20" of extension (range: 10-33") was required to achieve a plantigrade foot. Fourteen of 20 feet (70%) remained plantigrade at a mean follow-up of 6 years.


2/27/2013· Medical - Medicine

Corrective Supracondylar Humeral Osteotomies Using the Small AO External Fixator

By: Dr. John Handelsman

Traditional methods of correcting malunited distal humeral fractures in children involve complex wedge osteotomies held with pins or internal fixation devices.

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