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12/5/2011· Radiology

A Novel Phantom Model For Mouse Tumor Dose Assessment Under MV Beams

By: Michael Gossman, MS, DABR, RSO, et al

Abstract -- In order to determine a mouse's dose accurately and prior to engaging in live mouse radiobiological research, a tissue-equivalent tumor-bearing phantom mouse was constructed and bored to accommodate detectors. Comparisons were made among four different types of radiation detectors, each inserted into the mouse phantom for radiation measurement under a 6 MV linear accelerator beam.


8/22/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Garage Doors: A Brief Tutorial on Garage Door Safety & Installation

By: Michael Panish

As a door expert, I am called upon many times a year to evaluate garage door injuries. In my professional career as a general contractor and door & hardware contractor, I have installed many different types of garage doors. I have been involved with roll up doors, both for commercial warehouse applications and automotive repair facilities that allow the passage of a motor vehicle. I have installed and serviced life safety/fire drop doors typically seen in hospitals, pharmacies, labs, shopping centers and other commercial venues. I have placed sectional doors in apartment buildings, single family homes and condominiums. My company has custom built many types of garage enclosures that have had special cosmetic concealed purposes for themed attractions. Working on historic buildings has given me the opportunity to work on sliding barn type doors, hinged parting doors and old carriage style swinging doors. I have removed and replaced the older style, overhead vintage single panel pivoting hinged garage door from commercial and residential locations, and have installed a variety of newer and safer products.


9/27/2018· Branding - Brand Management

Branding 4.0 and the Age of Hyper Customization

By: Rob Wallace

Brand identity and package design has entered into its 4th generation. And in this next phase, the brand will never again have the same message to the 100 million consumers. It will offer 100 million "on-brand" messages customized to each individual consumer. To trace this progress, its relevant to understand how branding evolved from its onset.


2/6/2014· Automotive - Vehicular

Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles: Where Do ITE Members Stand?

By: Richard Beaubien

The topic of Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles is not new, yet advances in computing power, wireless capabilities, and soft ware development are taking implementation predictions from the not-too-distance future and placing them in the here and now. Emerging vehicle technologies foreshadow a world in which sensors and soft ware will replace humans in the driver's seat.


4/10/2018· Logistics - Reverse Logistics

The Amazon Effect and the Global Supply Chain

By: Rosemary Coates

Have you been keeping up with the “Amazon Effect” on supply chains? This effect is defined as the impact the digital marketplace has on the traditional business model in retail. But for supply chain professionals, it is so much more.


10/15/2014· Professional Malpractice

Technical Aspects Of Professional Liability Claims

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

Professional liability claim management is a unique area of insurance claim responsibilities. Indeed, there are as many ways to supervise, manage, and investigate professional liability claims as there are different lines of professional liability coverage. This article will address the key issues that are involved in the investigation and resolution of nonmedical and non-D&O claims under professional liability policies.


11/25/2020· Construction

Construction Contract Notice Letters

By: Long International

Most construction contracts require written notice for changes, differing site conditions, extra work, or other events which may affect the contractor’s time and cost of performance. The process of giving “notice” is vital to triggering the contract mechanisms that allow the contractor to pursue additional time and cost and to reserve its rights to recover for any unforeseen...


9/23/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

Sleep and Mythology

By: Ned Einstein

Many of our fundamental and commonly-held beliefs are invalid because they were derived, often haphazardly, from a blur of intuition, superstition, history, tradition and circumstance rarely subjected to scientific scrutiny. Before the inventions of artificial light and mechanical clocks, being awake during daylight and asleep during darkness were survival necessities - lest one be devoured by predators or stumble into a pit.


11/13/2019· Branding - Brand Management

Consumer Brand Confusion: When Might Consumers Confuse One Brand for Another?

By: Brent Coker, PhD

One common disgruntlement brands have against other brands is similarity. In the courts, brands argue that another brand is too similar, and that this causes confusion whereby consumers may believe there is an affiliation between the brands.


9/28/2012· Child Welfare

Teenage Belief Systems About Sexual Health

By: Diana Birch, MD

A belief is a conviction adhered to often in the face of factual evidence to the contrary. This paper inevitably represents my beliefs moulded by my experience of working with teenagers in London and tempered by my knowledge of the work of my colleagues.

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