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3/15/2011· Security

Fear Of Parking

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

Last June, 18-year-old Kelsey Smith was forcibly abducted from the public parking lot of an Overland Park, Kansas, Target store.


7/20/2011· Security

Fast Food, Easy Money:Find Out How Sites Hit By Smash and Grab Burglaries Could Have Reduced Their Vulnerability

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

BETWEEN LATE 2009 AND MARCH OF THIS YEAR, a national baked goods chain with franchises in Broward County, Florida, experienced a series of nighttime burglaries that resulted in thousands of dollars in stolen cash and damaged property.


5/31/2011· Security

Designing Safer Schools: Environmental Design Makes The Grade

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

When it comes to the issue of safety in schools, it is important to remember that long before the students walk the halls, a design team creates the building and its grounds, envisioning the subsequent relationships with its occupants.


9/26/2011· Security

Schools Behind Bars? Designing Safe and Secure Environments for Schools and Colleges Doesn't Mean They Need to Look Like Detention Facilities

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

Creating safe schools is the responsibility of the entire community where a school or school system resides.


6/20/2023· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Case Study: Guest Rescue And Building Facade Maintenance Program

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

The client had engaged domestic and international internal personnel and external resources to deliver a dual-purpose system. One that was capable of rescuing guests from suspended cableway people mover systems in rare circumstances when multiple redundant built-in systems failed


3/20/2024· Engineering

Case Study: Building Façade And Interior Maintenance Access Program

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

Buildings today offer unique architectural statements and designs with sophisticated and intricate envelopes creating a challenge for safely and efficiently accessing these structures for interior and exterior maintenance purposes. Choosing the right combination of access systems are critical in ensuring worker safety and asset preservation.


1/15/2024· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Case Study: Property Wide Confined Spaces Program

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

Confined Spaces safety is a global issue that is a growing source of concern in developed and developing countries. According to OSHA, in the U.S. alone, about 90 deaths involving confined spaces occur every year. These incidents occur because workers and employers do not recognize...


10/25/2023· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Case Study: Expert Witness - Fall Incident

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

The aftereffects of a fall incident have enormous impact on all parties involved. Setting aside emotion and focusing on the actual events leading up to an incident can be particularly difficult when faced with the competing interests of injured personnel or their families, companies, insurers, and lawyers.


8/27/2020· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Property Wide Fall Protection Program - A Case Study

By: Rauch Safety and Engineering

Ranch Safety was appointed by the client to facilitate the development of a comprehensive, property wide fall protection strategy and to work with clients U.S. and international design and operations internal resources teams, together with external multicultural project critical members which included architects, engineers, government authorities and contractors


6/18/2021· Telecommunication

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) - Facebook v Duguid: Punctuation Matters

By: Ray Horak

The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in the matter of Facebook v Duguid has been perhaps the single most anticipated in the realm of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), at least in the last decade or so, and all over a punctuation mark - a comma, to be exact.

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