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2/6/2014· Expert Witnessing

Go Forth and Testify

By: Joe Samnik

At first blush you may think that this article is about a small, albeit ugly armored animal and you would be justified in doing so. After all, the name Armadillo Partners conjures up a mental image of a corporate holding of armadillos, presumably for sale. Such would not be the case however. In fact, this article is about an arbor area and trees located at a shopping center called Armadillo Square in Broward County, Florida.


2/6/2014· Automotive - Vehicular

Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles: Where Do ITE Members Stand?

By: Richard Beaubien

The topic of Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles is not new, yet advances in computing power, wireless capabilities, and soft ware development are taking implementation predictions from the not-too-distance future and placing them in the here and now. Emerging vehicle technologies foreshadow a world in which sensors and soft ware will replace humans in the driver's seat.


2/3/2014· Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis: Manufacturing Engineer Examines the Root Cause of Automobile Rear View Mirror Failures

By: Dr. Thomas Read

The root cause of the failure of customer returns of heated automobile rear view mirrors was investigated.


1/31/2014· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Humps and Bumps

By: Ned Einstein

I have often written about the impacts of overly-tight schedules as the primary causative factor in incidents - in fact, the underlying cause of perhaps half of them. Because speeding is one of the "cures" to this problem, one of its characteristics is the failure to slow down when the roadway surface is not, as jazz musicians say, "melody." One of the most common scenarios is to cruise over speed bumps and speed humps. Another is to fail to slow over rugged terrain, particularly potholes and the often dysfunctional patches that sloppy road crews create to "repair" them.


1/29/2014· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Obesity Rates In America Will Soar By 2030

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

As we approach the holiday season this year, we should keep in mind a new study released last month warns that 42% of Americans could be obese by 2030 (up from 36% in 2010) and 11% could be severely obese, which means about 100 pounds overweight (vs. 6% in 2010). The study, done by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation projects that in every state the rate of obesity could reach 42% and in thirteen states, that number could exceed 60% of the population. Mississippi, which currently leads the nation in obesity rates, could have as many as 2/3 of its population obese by 2030.


1/27/2014· Food & Beverage

Outbreaks Where Food Workers Have Been Implicated in the Spread of Foodborne Disease. Part 4. Infective Doses and Pathogen Carriage

By: Dr. Ewen Todd

In this article, the fourth in a series reviewing the role of food workers in foodborne outbreaks, background information on the presence of enteric pathogens in the community, the numbers of organisms required to initiate an infection, and the length of carriage are presented. Although workers have been implicated in outbreaks, they were not always aware of their infections, either because they were in the prodromic phase before symptoms began or because they were asymptomatic carriers.


1/27/2014· Archaeology - Archeology

Society For American Archaeology: Professional Standards For The Determination of Archaeological Value

By: Dr. Christopher Dore

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 6,800 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.


1/23/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Overhead Door Injuries - Commercial, Industrial, Residential

By: Michael Panish

As the retained expert witness on many overhead door injury and wrongful death cases, some of the injuries I have seen include injured or severed fingers and limbs, bodily trauma, and death. Disabling injuries often lead to involved lawsuits due to the combination of jobsite and employer, landlord and tenant contractual agreements, and property owner liability insurance coverage. Knowing who is responsible for maintenance and inspections of these doorways is essential.


1/22/2014· Product Liability

Forensic Clues: How to Survive in a Hostile Tort Reform Market

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Product Liability Reform has affected many attorneys, consumers, and experts negatively while failing in its goal of greater American competitiveness. This issue of Forensic Clues is dedicated to addressing the problems of tort reform, how this affects you, and what you as an attorney can do to reduce your costs and increase your chances of a successful product liability case, assuming that the case involves a legitimate product defect.


1/21/2014· Banking

Legal Reasons to Implement Positive Pay: Cincinnati Insurance Company v. Wachovia Bank

By: Greg Litster

Wachovia Bank Wins Lawsuit Over Customer That Refused Positive Pay The Legal Rationale to Implement Positive Pay and High Security Checks

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