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Brand Marketing Expert Larry Chiagouris
Dr. Larry Chiagouris
Boca Grande FL
phone: 917-902-2610 / 212-988-2882

Dr. Larry Chiagouris has a rare combination serving as a senior Fortune 500 executive and as an accomplished academician. He has provided expert testimony and written opinions on damages, marketing, advertising, intellectual property issues (including the use of survey research) for plaintiffs & defendants at major national & local firms.
Dr. Chiagouris brings extensive experience as a Senior Marketing, Branding and Research Executive responsible for directing major assignments for companies such as AT&T, Campbell Soup, Kraft, Miller Brewing, Peugeot, Pfizer, Prudential and Visa. He has a Ph.D. in Marketing, is Past Chairman, Advertising Research Foundation and Former Director of the American Marketing Association.
Experience Summary:
- Experience evenly divided between plaintiff and defendant engagements over 25 cases
- Several cases include elements of intellectual property issues
- Majority of cases involve elements of consumer behavior or survey research
- Majority of cases involve elements of advertising related strategies and tactics
- Majority of cases involve elements of Internet related tactics
- Majority of cases involve written opinions and depositions
- Written and oral testimony in several Federal District Court jurisdictions
- Engaged by both large multinational law firms and small boutique firms
- Class action cases evenly divided between plaintiffs and defendants
- Selected by Agency Magazine as one of 10 best and brightest researchers.
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