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4/17/2013· Damages

Computing Lost Profits in Business Interruption Litigation: A General Model

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

This paper focuses on business interruption litigation and how to compute lost profits as a remedy. The main contribution of the paper is development of a general model of economic damages which assesses lost profits by measuring the incremental changes in revenue, variable costs, and fixed costs.


4/17/2013· Discovery & Electronic Discovery

An Introduction to the eDiscovery Process

By: Envista Forensics

E-Discovery is the process of collecting and exchanging electronically stored information (ESI) that is requested during the discovery phase in civil litigation.


4/16/2013· Food & Beverage

Outbreaks Where Food Workers Have Been Implicated in the Spread of Foodborne Disease. Part 3. Factors Contributing to Outbreaks and Description of Outbreak Categories

By: Dr. Ewen Todd

In this article, the third in a series of several reviewing the role of food workers in 816 foodborne outbreaks, factors contributing to outbreaks and descriptions of different categories of worker involvement are discussed.


4/12/2013· Aerosols - Aerosol Products

Controlling Particle Size in Self-Pressurized Aerosol Packages

By: John Chadwick

When the actuator is pressed on an aerosol can, the valve is opened, and a stream of liquid product travels thought the valve and exits the can.


4/11/2013· Investigation & Surveillance

The Truth About Surveillance Systems : Reality vs. TV

By: Bryan Neumeister

We've all seen the TV crime shows where the forensic technician opens the grainy surveillance, then zooms in on a tiny face, license plate or scrap of paper, hits the enhance button and, magically, the image becomes sharp and clear (accompanied by appropriate background music).


4/5/2013· Engineering

Case Study: Coke Oven Battery Analysis

By: Bill O'Donnell

A comprehensive engineering analysis was performed on a coke oven battery roof and heating walls. Coke oven batteries are constructed with refractory bricks.


3/27/2013· Fires & Explosions

Fires: Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC)

By: Jeffrey Williams

Books (e.g., Spontaneous Human Combustion) and TV shows on SHC have given a couple of new meanings to the term heartburn.


3/25/2013· Warnings & Labels

When Suing a Drug Company For Failure to Warn: Avoid Generics

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

I just came back from my phannacy where I picked up two prescriptions for my seasonal allergies. One was a name brand product and another was a generic.


3/22/2013· Branding - Brand Management

Icons - Your Brands Visual Essence

By: Rob Wallace

In the visual circus that has become the retail environment, the icon can be your most effective tool for communicating your brand s message and for connecting with your consumers.


3/20/2013· Aquatics Safety

Spinal Imobilization In Deep Water

By: Gerald Dworkin

For the past three issues, jems has presented a thorough review of spinal immobilization devices that are used in traditional rescue situations.

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