Vocational Rehabilitation


Our rehabilitation experts are licensed and certified professionals, who have worked extensively in both clinical and forensic capacities. We provide vocational rehabilitation assessments of injured individuals in order to determine an individual’s rehabilitation potential and wage-earning capacity to determine any changes in vocational status.




An Employability assessment is an initial vocational interview that provides rich information regarding the interviewee’s educational attainment, vocational training, work and earnings history, reported physical limitations, vocational interests, transferable skills, knowledge about searching jobs, as well as values and motivation for work.

In addition, a review of medical documentation and other records, such as functional capacity evaluations and depositions, provides the contextual information to formulate opinions regarding pre- versus post-injury rehabilitation potential and employability.

Records tell a story, and in order for us to provide a comprehensive assessment, having documents in our possession prior to rendering our opinions is important. In general, the more information we have early in the process, the better able we are to see the whole story.

Determining loss of earning capacity involves careful study of pre- and post-injury abilities, in addition to labor market research, where up-to-date earning data is presented.




Standardized assessment measures offer normative information regarding an individual’s ability to perform in certain jobs or work environments.  

At Stokes & Associates, we routinely administer brief intelligence testing, achievement testing, interest inventories and other vocational inventories to develop an understanding of the individual’s current capabilities. The information learned through assessment is used as additional information to support our opinions regarding an individual’s employability.



Lost Wages

Lost wages is the total sum of wages an individual could have earned during a certain period but for an injury. To determine lost wages, we reference tax records, earning statements, and/or standardized research.




Earning capacity is the ability to earn wages in the future, which may be diminished following injury or illness.

 In some instances, an individual may have the opportunity to earn the same or more than he or she was prior to the injury. In other instances, an individual may be unable to earn his or her pre-injury wages or may be removed from the labor market entirely. Determining loss of earning capacity involves careful study of pre- and post-injury abilities, in addition to labor market research, where up-to-date earning data is presented.

Our experts rely on labor market research and published wage statistics to help formulate opinions regarding an individual’s employability and earning capacity or loss of earning capacity.



Labor Market

Labor market research Involves searching extensively for specific jobs with potential employers in a specific geographic area. Our testifying experts determine the individual’s transferable skills acquired through education, training, work experience, and leisure activities to develop a list of potential types of jobs. Our research team is trained to effectively and efficiently communicate with potential hiring sources to gather detailed, pertinent information regarding the physical demands, environmental demands, job requirements, and any accommodations available. Our specialists use this research to determine whether an individual is suitable for any jobs currently available in his or her geographic area.

Among other data, we utilize the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), which includes the Occupational Employment and Wage Survey. The OES is a cooperative program between the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and individual State Employment Security Agencies. Each state produces wage and salary information by region or metropolitan statistical area, which allows us to conduct research regarding the wages earned in various professions nationally.