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2/25/2021· Digital / Crypto Currency

What Criminal Defense Attorneys Need To Know About Bitcoins

By: Beth Mohr, CFE, CAMS, CCCI

What is Bitcoin, and how might it impact your practice as a criminal defense attorney? In this article we’ll look at Bitcoin, what it is and how it works; we’ll discuss how bitcoins are used, both for illicit purposes, as well as for legal and legitimate business purposes. We will also examine how you might encounter bitcoins; discover ways


3/30/2010· Forensics

Administrative Policies Dealing with Crime Scene Operations

By: George Schiro, MS, F-ABC

One specialized operation that is routinely abused is the crime scene operation. From small police departments to large law enforcement agencies, the biggest problem with crime scene operations is the presence and interference of non-essential personnel at the scene. The law enforcement agency’s administration should deal with this and other crime scene investigation problems through effective crime scene management.


12/15/2005· Criminology

Embezzlement: Are you at risk?

By: Barry Strock, et al

There is an unusual rash of embezzlement scandals. Newspapers report that governments and organizations small and large are at considerable risk to white collar crimes. Even regional educational organizations are vulnerable as evidenced by one NY BOCES in which $3 million dollars was supposedly taken to illegally enrich an individual’s pockets

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Handbook of Vadose Zone...

by Lorne G. Everett, PhD, et al

Writing Great Speeches: Professional...

by Alan M. Perlman, PhD

MMPI, MMPI-2, & MMPI-A in Court: A...

by Kenneth S. Pope, James N. Butcher, Joyce Seelen broker Movie Ad

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